Which type of VPN do I need?

We can provide both IPsec and SSL for VPN tunnels, to determine which one to use is determined by what you need to use the VPN for. For remote users to access your internal network we can offer dialup IPsec or SSL, a site to site configuration would require an IPsec VPN.


What is the FortiClient software?

FortiClient is software that allows remote users to connect to their school networks easy, it can be used for both IPsec and SSL VPNs 


Where can I download the latest FortiClient software?

FortiClient is free and can be downloaded from here 


Is two-factor authentication (2FA) possible to configure with the VPN?

Yes, this is possible using Fortitokens. If you would like to discuss implementing this, please contact your account manager, who will be able to discuss this further.


What are FortiTokens?

FortiTokens can be hardware or software, two-factor authentication is added to a user account to provide extra security to the authentication process.


What is two-factor authentication?

Two-factor authentication requires a user to provide further means of authentication in addition to their credentials.


  • VPN, FortiToken, FortiClient, Two-Factor, SSL, IPsec
  • 0 Uživatelům pomohlo

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